Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I'm sitting in the airport terminal, sipping Starbucks and waiting for my flight. I'm frustrated I can't change the font from my phone. It's interesting the little things that bother us so much.

I've been overwhelmed the past few days with people encouraging me and letting me know they're praying. I'm at such a peace this morning. I'm also really tired, which could be part of it. But I don't think it is. The rush is over, everything is quiet, and I'm just ready for whatever God has in store for the day. I'm ready, but not prepared... I suppose willing is a better word.

It's funny how people have said they're proud of me or that I'm brave...I don't feel brave. The insecurities of serving without a team have already taken hold. There isn't a team to compensate if I'm sick one day or disappoint someone. I think that's my worst fear- that I will go to serve and not be enough.

But I'm reminded that someone admirable is not perfect and that someone brave is sometimes scared. It's about the action after failure and the trust in spite of fear. And most importantly, it isn't about us anyway. It's about the One who is enough and the Love that compels us to love as we have been loved. It's about trusting the One whose timing and plans are best. I'm just thankful that it isn't about me and that He is strength in my weakness.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! He IS enough. I hope you have arrived safely and are already blessing the Jeantys. Love you girl.
