Sunday, June 12, 2011


I am so thankful for last night and today. Saturday night was a relaxing movie night with Melissa and DJ. Melissa had a less studying to do so we had more time to talk and learn some Creole! So thankful for this family.

Today was National Children's Day and I had the opportunity to help! I listened to the story of Elisha healing Naaman of leprosy in French and watch Natasha do a wonderful job illustrating the story for the kids and getting them excited. All of the kids were so sweet, such a blessing working with them! I also got to greet and briefly speak with some adults in Creole (using everything I've learned so far) which seemed to mean a lot to them. Trying to learn their language rather than expecting them to know mine is one small way I can serve. 

Encouragement means so much to me and comments are very much appreciated! 

Please just continue to pray for eagerness to serve however I can and eyes to see how He is working. I already feel so blessed with the people that surround me and I'm excited for whatever tomorrow brings!


  1. Hey sweetie, SO thankful with you for your encouragement!!! And some really cute kiddos!! For feeling useful, and visiting with the family! God is good. We love you so much!

  2. I've loved hearing your heart in your posts. I too have such a heart for the Haitian people and would probably be like you...wanting to get out there and "do something." But, when you are surrendered to God's will--yielded to do whatever it is He wants you to do--that is when you are REALLY doing something. We may never see "big" results...but we can rest, overflowing with peace and assurance that we are where He wants us to be.

  3. Hi Emily,

    I just wanted you to know that I am reading and praying. Everyday, I think of you and all that you are doing and I say a prayer for strength, health, endurance and gospel wakefulness. I want God to open your eyes to see what He wants you to see. You are blessing the Jeantys. I have no doubt of that. There is nothing as encouraging as someone joining you in the work God has called you to do.

    Thank you so much for writing! You are doing a beautiful job putting words to what your eyes are seeing and what your heart is feeling.

    Just a little note about home:

    Stampede kicked off with a bang with over 350 kids the first night. That has to be a record for night 1. Pray that these kids really hear the gospel and that lives are changed forever. Pray that kids that are already saved would fall in love with their Savior all over again. Pray kids invite their friends who don't know Jesus.

    The Mavs won the NBA title! Not sure if that news made it to you, and I know you are dying to know. ;) They beat the Heat by 10 points in Game 6 to win the series 4-2.

    Love you, girlie. Have FUN serving Jesus!!

